Tuesday 7 July 2009

Joni's Pillow Talk


Joni over at Cote de Texas has done another great post…I love when she features her home; it’s so lovely. She is Miss Gracious Living, after all!

She has asked her thousands of readers to help her with a pillow dilemma in her LR. I agree, I love the zebra rug in that room. I propose a great Kravet Linen #27591-119. It’s a beautiful shade to match her suzani over her ottoman in a larger weave…on the other chairs, another colour from the suzani, a great burnt yellow velvet.

Just one of many solutions I’m sure…enjoy Joni!

kravet joni red linen


Linda in AZ * said...

How LOVELY n' WONDERFUL of you to do this for "Our precious Joni", AND then, to share it with us!!! WOW!!! It looks FABULOUS!!!

How kind of you!!!

Linda in AZ *

cotedetexas said...

Michelle - this is so gorgeous! I have to tell you I am shocked at how much time your put into this. The colors - you just did a fabulous job. Thank you so very very much. I am thinking about making the suzani into pillows - if not - its going to be a solid - maybe linen, maybe velvet! thank you so much - this is just beautiful. it's going on my blog right now!

Three Men and a Little Crazy said...

Beautiful! I saw your post on Joni's blog and of course had to come over here in the hopes of seeing another one of your gorgeous renderings. You are so incredibly talented!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous as usual! I love the red linen as well.

qerat said...

Beautiful Rendering
I like your choice to bring out the colors in suzanis.
I also like Joni's idea of making the suzani itself a cushion.

The Changing Look of Friends said...

I Love what you designed for Joni! How in the heck did you do this rendering so fast??? I love seeing your thoughts come to life in your art.

Marion said...

I so envy your skill in rendering! Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Velvet and Linen said...

Nothing is more convincing than one of your beautiful renderings. You must put a smile on all of your clients' faces when they see their projects through your eyes (and talent). It was so much fun seeing the rendering in its various stages.


Dovecote Decor said...

Perfect choice! I love interior renderings. I visit often to see your new creations. Thanks!