Friday 27 November 2009

Rub a Dub Dub…

miki 1967

My love of the outdoors started early…this is me in 1967!

I spent the first few years of my life in one of those little shacks along the shore in Glace Bay Nova Scotia (my family moved to Vancouver Island in 1969). I was at my moms last week, and took some old photo albums home to scan; it’s been so much fun to look them. I miss my grama and grampa who lived across the street…when I hear that Dion Warwick song “Whenever I See Your Smiling Face” I think of him and feeding the birds that used to nest outside the kitchen window. Life is so strange, tragic and beautiful…


Fargerike Dagny said...

Wow, how idyllic!! Beautiful image!

DesignTies said...

I once spent an afternoon scanning photos of my Mom (she passed away 5 years ago, Dec. 2nd) and loved every moment of it... so I think I know exactly how you felt, Michelle!
LOVE this photo of you - the landscape and "shack" are beautiful and you're a sweetie! Thanks for sharing :-)
Victoria @ DesignTies

My Notting Hill said...

What a beautiful setting! Scanning old photos sounds like a very good winter project.