There is something oh so romantic about canopy beds…multi- layered or simple and flowing, there are so many options.
Best, Michelle
There is something oh so romantic about canopy beds…multi- layered or simple and flowing, there are so many options.
Best, Michelle
Our Felix is very mischievous…ET phone home!!
And…I am officially midlife today…yup 45 years young…having lunch with friends, some time for myself, and enjoying the city…it’s been 10 years now, living in Vancouver…weird, and strange to move on to a “smaller” life.
We sold the house and this is the new house on Vancouver Island…I move end of May…
“before” pics…will be busy for a while :)
and my new studio downstairs…(I know, lighting and new paint!!) I can already see where the coffee maker will go in the new kitchen…and it has it’s own entrance and deck as well :) Will be painting all Summer…
Best, Michelle
I have taken note of the work of two “students” of mine…nice to see appreciation for hand work, and am sure dwgs like these aide in the design process. Thanks to you both :)
Anastassis from Greece
Cindy from Ohio